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Haflingertreffen in North America

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This post has 2 Antworten | 1 Follower

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Jim Molloy Posted: Fri, Apr 30 2010 3:27 | IP-Adresse ist Registriert

Hello to all,


First, I must apologize for not being fluent in German. That will come with time and practice.


Second, I wanted to thank all those on the east side of the Atlantic ocean for helping those of us in North America with keeping our Haflinger trucks operational.


Finally, I wanted to share the link to a website dedicated the Haflinger gatherings in North America.


Our first will be held in northern California in June, 2010. Feel free to join the Yahoo Groups list as well. We are happy to have the input and support of those of you who have experience with Haflingertreffen in the past.


Here is a link to a trailer for a documentary DVD filmed at Northwest MogFest 2008 on our farm.



Take care.


Jim Molloy

Waldersee Farm

Sheridan, Oregon USA


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Constantin Kiesling Antwort zu Fri, Apr 30 2010 22:09 | IP-Adresse ist Registriert

Hi Jim,

Good to meet you here! I would love to join your Treffen, but I am afraid it's a bit too far away for me. I am looking forward to see some photos when it's over!


Best wishes,


Top 150 Mitwirkender
Beiträge 3
Jim Molloy Antwort zu Sun, Jul 4 2010 16:31 | IP-Adresse ist Registriert


We had seven trucks present for the Haflingertreffen Nordamerika in June. Here are the links to the photos currrently available.

There are still three additional participants who have not sent their photos or video to me yet.

We hope to have at least a dozen Haflingers present at Northwest MogFest 2010 in August. I will be sure to sned links to those photos and video as well.

Take care.

Jim Molloy

Waldersee Farm


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